The owners of Celebrity Limousine have been leaders in the transportation field since the late 90's. Through the years, our company has grown through leaps and bounds. We have gone regional and national with attempts to build our network worldwide. It’s now almost 2015 and we seem to be cutting back and putting more emphasis on local transportation rather than national. This website, RequestALimoQuote.com was built for the sole purpose of making the process of GETTING A LIMO QUOTE fast and easy. Often people want to know DO YOU OWN ALL THESE CARS. The answer is, 95% of the limousines we book, we own. The company that owns all our Limousines is registered with the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) under the name Entourage Livery, Inc. The fact is you lose quality when you don’t rent a limo from a company that owns their own limousines. Often, in this age of ONLINE GET RICH QUICK websites, people are selling products somebody else owns and more often than not, after you give them your money, you are just sold to the lowest bidder in the network. Here at Celebrity Limousine, we promise you, you are in good hands. Our guarantees are the BEST in the industry. Our warranties are the BEST. Our quality is the BEST and our prices are the BEST. Every morning when "we" wake up, we manage our chauffeurs. We dispatch limousines ALL DAY. Our mechanics maintain our vehicles and our manegement oversees and supervises our staff. Our life "is the Limousine Business." If you want to come look at ANY vehicle on our website, we promise you, that you can come look at it, smell it, touch it and sit inside it. My name is Brandon Braddock. My business partner is Jonathan Coombs. We are CELEBRITY LIMOUSINE and we genuinely look forward to serving you.